Lewanna Campbell

Accounting Manager

For Lewanna (Lew) Campbell, it all began in the coastal town of Galveston, Texas. From the day she was born there, she watched her mother organize and manage her business and her household. “My mom taught me everything I know about all of that,” she says. “She was amazing. I’m not sure how things would have worked without her.”

Lew graduated second in her high school class and shortly thereafter began pursuing a college education. She cut her quest short when her father started an events company and asked if she would be his partner in that endeavor. Her parents are both very entrepreneurial, and not surprisingly, Lew felt drawn to this new enterprise and the challenges it offered.

Along the way, she met Barbara Henricks, who immediately recognized Lew’s potential. “Lew first worked for me years ago, when I hired her away from the local preschool to be my nanny while she pursued her degree,” says Barbara. “When she left to run a company with her father, and then go to work for a state agency here in Austin, I mourned the loss but vowed that if I ever ran my own business, the first person I would call would be Lew Campbell.”

And, in fact, Lew was the first full-time employee of Cave Henricks Communications. As Accounting Manager, she keeps the business end of our company running. From bookkeeping to drafting contracts and maintaining personnel files, Lew does it all with efficiency and timeliness.

The perfect mix of personality and professionalism, we simply couldn’t live without her.

Lew is married to Jason and has three sons. They live in Kyle, Texas.